
Entries from May 2010

tnt is not topgit

As I've already written, I'm working on an alternative to topgit. I made a first attempt in perl some weeks ago, but gave up after some frustrating hours. Yesterday I started again in python and had a very nice time putting together the groundwork and the first two commands.
It may be noted, that I've no previous programming experience in neither perl nor python!
By now, I can create a patchset branch and add a patch branch to it. There's still a lot to do. For my talk at the Debian Mini Conference in Berlin next month I'd like to be able to update patch branches, export patchsets and give a status summary.
Maybe I can already find somebody who's interested in joining me with this project? The code is in my github account, however the name will most probably change.
One reason that I've been much faster in python is the fantastic python-git library. I can only recommend it!
In other news: I'm searching a couch to surf in Berlin from june 7.-12. I prefer couchsurfing over hotels mostly to get to know nice people around the world. Please contact me, if you'd like to host me for a night or two. (thomas at koch punkt ro)

Update: Slides of my talk at the debconf are available.


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