
Entries from February 2014

Waiting for a STATE folder in the XDG basedir spec

The XDG Basedirectory specification proposes default homedir folders for the categories DATA (~/.local/share), CONFIG (~/.config) and CACHE (~/.cache). One category however is missing: STATE. This category has been requested several times but nothing happened.
Examples for state data are:
  • history files of shells, repls, anything that uses libreadline
  • logfiles
  • state of application windows on exit
  • recently opened files
  • last time application was run
  • emacs: bookmarks, ido last directories, backups, auto-save files, auto-save-list

The missing STATE category is especially annoying if you're managing your dotfiles with a VCS (e.g. via VCSH) and you care to keep your homedir tidy.
If you're as annoyed as me about the missing STATE category, please voice your opinion on the XDG mailing list.
Of course it's a very long way until applications really use such a STATE directory. But without a common standard it will never happen.


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