Thomas Koch

Dubio Sapientiae Initium.

I've been young - I needed the money

Yesterday I had my last day at $company and today is my first day in freedom. I'll write about my future plans in another blog post. Here I just want to express the joy I had yesterday afternoon when I did:
aptitude purge php5

I've started using PHP in 2006 and used it almost exclusively until the end of 2009. I believe I've learned most of what one can learn about PHP in this time. In 2010 I started to work in Java and only started to understand how limited PHP is.
I know that java is far from perfect. So I don't stop there and already started to learn Scala and looking forward to learn other languages too. But Java is for sure a better answer then PHP, regardless what the question was.
There are many reasons, why you should not, never, for no project ever use PHP. I'll only tell you my personal top reasons:
  • PHP is neither strictly nor statically typed. I fail to see any advantage in dynamic typing. But there are many advantages in compile time checks, automatic refactoring, call hierarchies and many other goodies that every IDE gives you for java.
  • The first time I introspected a running JVM with jconsole and could peek into the inner workings of my application, I knew that PHP is a childish language. The JVM is great, its tool support is great. PHP does not give me nearly as elaborate development tools as the java world.
  • PHP5 copied its object orientation syntax from Java (at least it looks like this). PHPUnit is a great tool (thank you SB!), but it's still only a very good copy of JUnit. Why not just use the original?
  • PHP is typically choosen because initial development is very cheap. PHP programmers are much cheaper then java developers and you can move faster with PHP. The resulting projects however become a mess of unmaintainable code sooner or later. Nobody wants to work on the code anymore and shops with such PHP code burn one developer after the other to keep the crap running.
I once advocated PHP as a serious plattform and even gave three talks about PHP. I feel ashamed of this now and apologize. Please forgive me. Continue reading "I've been young - I needed the money"

Google Summer of Code 2011

This summer I'll be a full time student (again) to finish my computer science bachelor. So I thought it would be a nice occasion to apply for the Google Summer of Code. Would anybody like to recommend me a project? Something around Debian, Java, decentralized social software, quality assurance or developer tools?

Thank you!

Free Software in companies

At work we currently have a discussion: I'd like to develop some components as Free Software. My bosses like the idea, but the client goes nuts only thinking about it.
So as part of the discussion I thought to collect those companies who actively advertise their Free Software. I know about the big ones, but it would be even more interesting to get a list of succesful small companies that share at least part of their inhouse projects. On the other hand it would not be too interesting to list full Free Software companies like Red Hat.
It would also be fine to share this list in some wiki (FSFE?) when it grows larger. For some companies I also list very popular projects from my point of view.

big companies

  • Adobe
  • Facebook: Cassandra, Thrift, Scribe, HipHop for PHP, ...
  • Yahoo: YUI, Design Pattern Library, YSlow, Hadoop, ZooKeeper
  • Twitter
  • Google: Chromium Browser, Google Summer of Code, Android, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Protocol Buffers - data interchange format, Java Collections Library, unladen-swallow - faster implementation of Python, ...
  • IBM: Developerworks (Tutorials), Eclipse, International Components for Unicode (ICU)

middle sized companies

small companies

Update: Need to add Danga (Gearman), with Okapi, Flux CMS, Jackalope, rackspace, Samsung

Wohngemeinschaft in Konstanz / Kreuzlingen am Bodensee

Vor einigen Wochen habe ich meine Freunde Zellmi und Natalie in ihrer neuen Heimat, der Kommune Waltershausen (KoWa) besucht. Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen und ich wäre am liebsten gleich eingezogen. Aber meine Frau und ich sind gerade erst an den Bodensee gezogen und auch beide beruflich gebunden. Also warum nicht so etwas ähnliches am Bodensee beginnen? Es muss ja nicht gleich eine Kommune sein; eine Wohngemeinschaft wäre ein Anfang. Continue reading "Wohngemeinschaft in Konstanz / Kreuzlingen am Bodensee"
